How Do You Decide Which Cases to Take to Trial and Which Cases Might Have a Better Outcome Through a Fair Settlement?
Our decision usually starts with the injuries and whether the client has healed or not. If you have injuries that you’re still treating and that are considered permanent, we keep that in mind. Our decision will also depend on what the insurance company is offering. If they’ve offered their policy limits, you probably have to take that offer because they’ve built in measures to protect themselves. If, however, they offer less than the policy limits and you have a case that you think is worth a lot more, then maybe it’s better to go to trial and try to get above that policy.
More Information:
If I Take My Personal Injury Case to Trial, Do I Risk Ending Up with Less Than What I Was Offered in the Settlement or Nothing at All?
You could end up with nothing at all. Even worse, you could end up having to pay the other side’s expert costs. If the other side does a 998 statutory offer to compromise and then wins at trial by a jury verdict to not award you anything, you could end up with zero dollars and have to pay money out of your pocket.
How Important Is a Firm in Guiding an Injured Party Through the Personal Injury Recovery Process?
It’s good to have a personal injury firm by your side because we know the process of getting your case through the doctors. There’s usually an order of doctors that clients have to see for treatments. There are often MRIs and surgeries involved. We have the experience to look at what an MRI says and discuss it with the doctors. If a doctor says, “Yes, it shows something, but it’s not because of the accident. It’s something that they had just because of their age,” then we can help guide you through your best options.
For more information on Personal Injury Cases in California, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (562) 694-3821 today.
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(562) 694-3821