Every case is different for a variety of reasons. Generally, once you’re finished treatment and back to a hundred percent, it’s usually around 60 days until we can gather all the bills and records, send a demand letter and hear back from the insurance company with an initial offer.The process for settling the case after an accident looks like:
- Gathering information from client;
- Collecting Bills and Records
- Creating a demand letter;
- Sending that letter to the insurance company;
- Beginning negotiations with them…
Every case is different, but generally, 60 days after your last doctor visit is a good kind of timeframe that we use. When you finish treatment, we can get the bills and records that we haven’t already collected and begin the process.
How Much Can I Get From My Car Accident Case In California?
California has minimum insurance requirements of $15,000 for one person and $30,000 for more. The most any one person can get under their insurance policy is $15,000. Suppose you have significant injuries and somebody hits you – but they only have a limited or minimum policy. In that case, your recovery will be limited by whatever their insurance limits are.
We’ve had cases with comprehensive insurance and significant injuries that have settled for up to $5 million. There’s a vast range, from a minimum of $15,000 to millions of dollars. However, most people don’t carry insurance that would cover a case in the million-dollar range. In California, one way to help yourself out is to protect yourself by having good uninsured motorist coverage.
Liability coverage is required, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage is as important if not more so. It’s the number one way to protect yourself, your family, or any friends in the car with you. Suppose your uninsured motorist policy matches the limits of your liability policy. In that case, you are covered up to the same limits as if it was your fault for hurting someone. In California, 1 out of every eight drivers is uninsured; it’s 13%. So uninsured motorist coverage is essential.
Will My Employer Have To Pay My Medical Bills If I Was Injured While Driving My Employer’s Car?
Suppose you’re in an auto accident while driving your employer’s vehicle. In that case, you could have a worker’s compensation claim and a third-party claim, meaning just like a typical auto accident, the at-fault person would be on the hook.
Your employers would not have to pay the medical bills, but your worker’s comp insurance would possibly spend. Regardless, the at-fault party would be responsible just as if you were not driving your employer’s vehicle. The only difference is when you have a worker’s compensation claim and a third party claim in the same accident, the worker’s comp claim has to be settled before the third party claim is with the at-fault party is settled.
What Can I Expect If I Was Involved In An Auto Wreck With An Uninsured Driver In California?
As long as you have uninsured motorist coverage on your vehicle. In that case, the kind of compensation you would expect is no different than if you had been involved in a car accident with an insured motorist. Having uninsured motorist coverage means that your insurance company would step in and fill the void left by the at-fault party who did not have insurance.
Your insurance would become the insurance for the at-fault party. By doing so, they’re still looking to limit what they pay. It’s still a good idea to consult with or hire an accident attorney to prepare for the potential outcomes.
In California, if the insurance companies didn’t have enough insurance to cover the value of your case, then your underinsured motorist coverage would step in and fill the void. So if your claim was worth $50,000 and the other party had a $30,000 policy, once you settle for that $30,000, you can use your under-insurance to get an additional up to the value of your claim.
For more information on Settling An Auto Accident Injury Claim In CA, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (562) 694-3821 today.
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